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WOW Uplift Project – Week 3

Monday was the third session of the WOW uplift project that is hosted by our amazing WOW project volunteer leaders Sam and Emma Moo.

During the weekly Monday drop in session, the team cook us all a hot meal to enjoy while the weather is chilly outside. This week was rice pudding. It was so yummy the room went silent as we all ate and for those who know how chatty we all are in our Monday drop in sessions, I think that is an overall fantastic verdict for the rice pudding.

Not only did the lifted drop in team enjoy the meal but we also had some spare and shared it with those who attend the dandelion church drop in session on a Monday. It went down a storm people have also requested the recipe and for it to be made again.

Next Monday, the meal will be Mac and cheese and will be served at 1pm, if you are in the area pop on over and enjoy some amazing cooking.